MagicLinks X Community

Community has partnered with MagicLinks, the global leader in social commerce helping content creators share products they love and earn income as their fans shop, and here's why...

Leaders like Nazjaa, a fashion influencer best known for her cool girl aesthetic, and Delaney Childs, a blogger best known for her style edits and high-low approach to fashion, have both found that by sharing MagicLinks via their Community number, they are able monetize in a more direct and personalized way. We call the partnership Text2Shop! Let's take a look at the findings:

  • On average, Leaders who use Text2Shop via Community see 95% greater earnings than creators who share monetizable links on social platforms like Instagram or YouTube.
  • Leaders using Text2Shop are 3x more successful at converting their fans into shoppers than creators who share monetizable links on social platforms like Instagram or YouTube.
  • Across the 6 creators who regularly shared MagicLinks via Community, the average CTR (Click-Through-Rate) was 20%. This is 2x above the industry benchmark for success for influencer content on social platforms.

In short, sending out shoppable links via Community is incredibly powerful. If you're a Leader looking to utilize MagicLinks to monetize your Community, our partnership allows you to skip the line to get approved! Click here to learn more.

Case Studies

MagicLinks X Community

Community has partnered with MagicLinks, the global leader in social commerce helping content creators share products they love and earn income as their fans shop, and here's why...

Leaders like Nazjaa, a fashion influencer best known for her cool girl aesthetic, and Delaney Childs, a blogger best known for her style edits and high-low approach to fashion, have both found that by sharing MagicLinks via their Community number, they are able monetize in a more direct and personalized way. We call the partnership Text2Shop! Let's take a look at the findings:

  • On average, Leaders who use Text2Shop via Community see 95% greater earnings than creators who share monetizable links on social platforms like Instagram or YouTube.
  • Leaders using Text2Shop are 3x more successful at converting their fans into shoppers than creators who share monetizable links on social platforms like Instagram or YouTube.
  • Across the 6 creators who regularly shared MagicLinks via Community, the average CTR (Click-Through-Rate) was 20%. This is 2x above the industry benchmark for success for influencer content on social platforms.

In short, sending out shoppable links via Community is incredibly powerful. If you're a Leader looking to utilize MagicLinks to monetize your Community, our partnership allows you to skip the line to get approved! Click here to learn more.

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Ready to get started?

Brand loyalty and relationships are not just built on automated messages and promo codes. Create real connections with your Community today.
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